Thursday, February 8, 2007

I Believe I Can Fly

A flashback to Honduras this past week . . .
(Lauren´s weiner dog Frita had puppies right before we arrived! Here´s Oliver at one month old. Aren´t they beautiful?!)

Now we´re in Granada, Nicaragua. It´s a neat colonial town on the shore of the huge Lake Nicaragua. First morning here we met a former Peace Corps volunteer and former THEOLOGY major from Boston college. He is currently in the process of setting up a non-profit organization here in Nicaragua. Upon meeting him, I hoped perhaps he could use a fellow theology major as his partner in non-profit adventure! Alas, he seems to have disappeared.

There is a poetry conference going on this week, so every night the central park is alive with venders selling Hot Dogs out of carts brightly painted with pictures of Bugs Bunny or Tigger or other various cartoon characters. There is a stage that moves locations every evening, and each night loads of people crowd around to listen to the poets who have come from all over to share their words and rhymes. There is a troupe of drummers that parade around the streets each night with a fifteen foot tall ¨woman¨in a pink dress and a little man with a huge head that dance around. We´ve been so captivated by the street entertainment and markets that we haven´t made it to the shores of the lake yet!!

(Looking out over Granada, Nicaragua)

So . . . Kristen and I decided to catch a glimpse of the lake from the top of Volcan Mombacho. We booked a tour and caught a ride out to the dormant volcano that is covered in lush rainforest. There was a spectacular lookout of Granada and the Lake. The winds were incredible! We spent a lot of time up there watching several hawks riding the wind currents.

(KK and Lago Nicaragua)

Also the first time I´ve seen orchids in the wild!
(Muchos orchids up on the volcano in the cloudforest.)

After the hike, we hit up a tour of the same canopy we had been overlooking moments before. The tour had thirteen ziplines that we made our way down doing various sorts of manuevers: superwoman, no brakes, upside down, it was quite exhilarating and the views were incredible! Though I was surprised that my adrenaline was not rushing like it does on certain rollercoasters and even when cliffjumping. At one point, they hooked Kristen and I juntos (together) and we flew down together.
(KK pulling herself up the last leg of the zipline)

(Freefallin´upside down! FYI: watch out for branches!)

With a few days left in Central America, we´re starting to think about home and discussing what´s to come when we return...KK has several interested engineering companies that have just contacted her these past few days! And I have my brother to go visit in Missoula! And my grandparents in Clarkston! Realizing that time spent with loved ones is very important to me right now. And KK feels the same about spending time with her granny . . . maybe even taking her to Vegas?!?! We love all of you.

(Runnin´across a swing bridge reminds us of days at camp)

La paz del Espiritu Santo,
Hana T.

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