Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Under da Sea

A quick shout out to everyone!!

I am alive and well, though I have been in class nearly 24/7... I feel like I'm back at the University, with 75 page chapters to read, exams, and in-class sessions. SCUBA diving school is a blast! I cannot believe I'm getting certified in the Bay Islands. In between class sessions we play SCRABBLE out on the dive shop's front deck, watching the funny tourists walk by in their fanny packs, goofy hats and even an old man with a GIANT fish purse. Kristen and I are meeting all sorts of peeps through Johnny (JD) and Devin (Devo). They have become our family here, and we have family breakfasts every morning and either cook or go out to the local BBQ stands in the evening. Kristen is reading books like a madwoman cuz she has so much downtime while we are at school. SHe recommends reading "The Kite Runner" and "Eleven Minutes". (Auntie Carla, KK suggests this book to you especially. She thinks you'd really enjoy it!!!! Then you can chitchat about it!)

A theme that keeps arising during our time in Roatan is BEING PRESENT IN THE MOMENT. JD and Devo are both reading The Power of Now and other similar books. It was a theme in Kristen's latest book. And for me, it has been my personal diving ethic . . . to be present in the now. My mom's biofeedback/relaxation techniques have been VERY useful while learning to dive....deep breathing, relaxing, and thus, I am turning out to be resourceful with my air. KK is excited that I am not an "AIR SUCKER" so that when we go diving together, our tanks will last for longer!!! And YES, Jim, the dive company I'm with is very reputable . .. its the oldest dive shop in Roatan with the least amount of drama. My instructor is VERY excellent - knowledgeable, patient, thorough and quite handsome. :)

Everyday we have power outages for extended and unforeseen amounts of time, which has limited our internet usage and made the logistics of living here quite interesting. What I'm trying to say is that PICTURES are COMING . . . but we don't have the camera with us today. So . . . keep checking back :).

Love you more,
Hana T.