Granada, NICARAGUA . . . 
We climbed up this church´s belltower (during the service) for a view of Granada. The tower was closed, but KK charmed our way in with the caretaker.

View of Lake Nicaragua from the belltower.

Granada´s streets are a frenzy of bikers interspersed with the traffic and pedestrians. Our favorite sight was the men biking with a woman or child (or both) riding perfectly balanced on the handlebars with legs to one side).
Laguna de Apoyo, NICARAGUA . . . 
Crater´s Edge - a hostel on the shores of Laguna de Apoyo - a 900ft deep (or more!)crater lake. We spent the weekend relaxing here, waking up to sunrises that we could see from our dorm beds, and spending the day floating in intertubes and reading.

Heather, a lively girl from Humboldt put on a wonderful birthday eve concert of singing and guitar by the shores of the laguna. There was much laughter and great energy, with group participation singing ¨Home on the Range¨and even some beatboxing lessons! Heather´s voice was incredible! She sang some original songs, along with my favorites - Blackbird and Killing me Softly. Her boyfriend also had an amazing voice (Scottish accent) - so KK and I enjoyed just listening to him speak!

KK showin´off her expert kayaking skills on Laguna de Apoyo.

Birthday morning sunrise swim in CDA Lake, I mean Laguna de Apoyo, the perfect lake - no boat traffic and lots of waves so you feel like you´re swimmin´in a rodeo! Perfect way to start the day!
Thanks everyone for the birthday lovin´! KK SURPRISED me last night at Crater´s Edge when everyone started singing me happy birthday as they brought out the banana splits for us all! Definitely a wonderful past 24 hours!
Love you more,
Hana T.
PS. We are flying home on Valentine´s Day! Can you believe it??? Which means the next two days are a straight shot from Nicaragua to San Jose, Costa Rica. Ay yi yi.