Tuesday, February 6, 2007

5 Countries down, 1 to go.

Onto Nicaragua...well, actually already here. We made it from Roatan to Tegucigapla yesterday (long travel day starting at 5:30 am). Stayed with my friend Lauren overnight. Today, we traveled from Teguci to Granada, Nicaragua. This town reminds us both of Antiqua, Guatemala. Another colonial town. There is a HUGE lake located somewhere, but since we arrived at night, we will explore this town tomorrow. I believe we will be here until around Feb. 11th (Hana´s birthday).

Not much else really to post, or to say. Our trip is coming to an end, I can almost see it. Feb. 14th is our return flight from San Jose, Costa Rica. Which gives us...8 more days. I can´t believe that 7 weeks has come and gone. Now it seems like Roatan was so long ago. Man-o-man. We took a safe route to get to Granada this time, instead of the Chicken buses at night. We shared a taxi with two Danish girls from the capital, a 1 hour ride. They turned out to be 23 and 24 years old, with only brothers as well. Weird the similarities.

In Granada, we are expecting to head to the lake, maybe climb a volcano, maybe do a canopy tour, maybe go to the island in the middle of the lake...well, those are some options.
