awakened, with my hand
stretching out and touching
the unknown, the real
unknown, the unknown
Though the past week has been filled with lots of rest and relaxation by the pool, I have experienced several liberating moments for my body and soul . . .
First, one evening as the sun was setting, we were laying out by the pool when we saw a torrential downpour moving towards us across the Caribbean sea. Within minutes, the rain hit us and it hit us HARD. My spirit longed to be out in the rain, but my mind kept rationalizing me to duck and cover. After a few minutes of internal bickering, I ran out on our roof and let the rain soak me!!! It was a wonderful feeling of liberation!
Second, while sitting at the swim-up pool (after taking numerous pictures of Kristen jumping into the pool), I struck up theological conversation with a Belizean man named Bambo. Turns out he is Muslim! He was SHOCKED that a young American tourist, sitting in her suit and towel by the poolside while on vacation, was willing and open (and smart enough) to talk theology!! I was delighted and in my element! Turns out Bambo is also an excellent chef, and being that our Muslim sisters and brothers are celebrating Eid right now, he came over last night and cooked up an incredible Belizean feast. We invited a few friends to join us and thoroughly enjoyed feasting and new friendships. Bambo sends his regards to all my Muslim sisters and brothers back in da states! Asslamo alaykum.
Third, Kristen and I headed to south Fido's (restaurant, outdoor pool and bowling) for dinner with our energetic friends from San Francisco. The restaurant is a palapa hut on the seaside with no walls. In the midst of dinner, another torrential downpour hit us. As we all ducked for cover, Melody and Tara got the great idea that this was the PERFECT MOMENT for someone to run out into the rain and do a CANNONBALL into the swimming pool. My spirit leapt at the thought of it, and I was ready to go in clothes and all!! But my mind justified against it. All it took was for Melody and Tara to put money on the line and I peeled off my layers of clothes and cannonballed into the water! It was so LIBERATING!! For those who know me, I am in my ELEMENT when I am in the water. So once I was in the pool, I couldn't help but SWIM -- lap after lap of freestyle and butterfly. My spirit soared at the freedom of da wata. Water has been a significant symbol in my spiritual journey, in my understanding of God, and in my understanding of myself -- so to be in the water was very LIBERATING for body and soul!! And about the wager . . . the experience itself was rewarding enough for me, but in the end Melody and Tara very generously bought both Kk and I's dinner. Happiness IS.
Lastly, After dinner KK and I went to Fido's for live music like we usually do. But this night was different . . . I am someone who constantly feels the gravitational pull to DANCE . . . BUT, I always "need" at least one other person to join me and get my feet on the dance floor. Without all my dance buddies (Ian, Mary, Joey, Beline, Tuseef, Wes) I had not been dancing the past few nights. THIS PARTICULAR NIGHT, however, I found the freedom within my SELF to go out there, alone, and dance. WOO HOO!! I even went so far as to ask someone to dance with me. He knew how to swing dance very well, so I danced with him for the rest of the night!
I feel my spirit re-energizing as I'm learning to live out of my Self and not out of my ego (trying to please others). There is freedom in this transition and I'm loving it!
Hana T.
PS. Remember how I would say "DO ONE THING EVERY DAY THAT SCARES YOU??" Well yesterday KK and I did just that. We jumped off a palapa bar and got in close with a crocodile! The whole adventure began when we met two gals by the pool, Tracy and Amy. They wanted to rent a golf cart for the day and invited us along. It ended up being a WILD (and muddy) ADVENTURE!
We headed up towards the north end of the caye to the Palapa Bar, where Megs, Tara and I had jumped off back in fall 2004. I found where we had signed our names on the ceiling and decided that it was time to jump off the palapa bar once again. Kristen and Tracy joined me and were initiated in!
Then we headed to the south end of the caye, and happened upon the crocodile lagoon. It turns out that some of the local boys were just about ready to feed one of the local crocs (Flora), so we pulled in to watch. One of the other tourists there went across the street and bought a whole, frozen chicken. The local boys tied the chicken to a rope and threw it in the water for Flora. I was quite fearful of the crocodiles at first, fearing they would chase our golf cart for some gringo grub. But as I observed the local boys actually petting the 8 ft + croc, I gained some confidence and got in close with them. ay yi yi!!
Well friends, thanks for following up on our travels! I'll be sending you peace and adventure as we bring in the New Year!
Luuv yu moa.