Friday, January 26, 2007

Did we mention that it's a SMALL WORLD?

A shout out to everyone saying i'm alive. it's been awhile since i've posted.

Thanks to all for the RESOUNDING responses to my request for notes of lovin' for KK's bday. She was surprised and delighted by the compiled card that Devin and I presented her last night during our Mexican dinner. KK and I headed home for a nap at 8:30pm and ended up sleeping the night away. No fire dancers or fiestas for us.

To go along with the whole theme of "SMALL WORLD" that seems to be a large part of our travels thus far . . . upon arriving in Roatan, Kristen and I were supposed to meet up with Johnny G, a buddy of mine from college who is out here working and living. Roatan is a very LARGE island with lots of little towns. We had no idea where Johnny was living and he didn't have a phone and we hadn't yet connected via email, SO . . . from the boatdock, Kk and I caught a taxi to the main tourist town of Roatan called "West End". We talked with other travelers on the boat ride over and decided on a place to stay. As we were checking in to "Milka's Rooms", I saw a strikingly familiar face walk by with ridiculous looking hair. The guy looked a lot like Devin Biviano, who was also a Seattle U acquaintance that I lost touch with. I was too shocked by the out of context possibility that he would also be living in Roatan (and by the hair) that I didn't say anything except to whisper his name under my breath.

A few minutes later, I saw Johnny G walking by. Turns out the two of them are roomates here. It also turns out that they live about 20 ft from our guesthouse! Talk about small world selection of a guesthouse. We did good.

So now, the four of us have been cooking daily breakfasts together at J and D's house and sitting out on their porch for long, lazy mornings. Feels like we've known them forever. Devin, Johnny and I have begun our diving certification process. We're watching the videos and waiting for the storm to pass until we go explore the underwater world. Might not be until Monday that we get our first dive in.

Oh yeah, another small world connection . . . Johnny introduced us to some of his buddies on the island. It turns out that one of them (Chelsea) was in middle school band with Kristen in SPokane and they both marched in the Lilac Parade together back in the day. What can we say.

Photos to come.

Love you more,
Hana T.