Monday, December 25, 2006

Kriismos een da Karibeean.

Happy Holidays everyone!! Santa found us all the way out here in da Caribbean, and you know what he brought us?? He brought us the gift of solid poop. (And instead of cookies, we left him the pineapple). :)

(Hana having the Christmas spirit!)

(Kristen having the Christmas spirit aboard the Catamaran!)
This Mawnin' Kk made us a Christmas breakfast FEAST of eggs and potatoes.

(Christmas Breakfast!)

KK and I kicked off the holiday season with a couple of sailing adventures. KK met an older couple staying in the same resort as us, John and Carol, and they have a 44 ft. Catamaran that they like to take adventuring from Caye to Caye. We joined them the past two days (Christmas Eve DAY!) as their first mates. We toured around to the reef for snorkeling, diving, lobster hunting and spearfishing. In return, KK and I paid our dues in labor . . . we were hoisting and dropping the sails, dropping the anchor and pulling it back up, cranking this way and that to lift the dingy (skiff-lil' boat used to get to the catamaran) out of the water.
(Hana with scary face)

(Kristen diving...with Steve's sailboat in the background)

(Kristen spearfishing...didn't catch anything though)

(Self picture of us snorkeling)

(Hana holding up a Conch Shell)

(The Awesome Spotted Eagle Ray we saw when we first jumped in to Snorkel)

I had a delightful SURPRISE yesterday as we were snorkeling by the reef. A big 'ol black sailboat pulled up beside us and there on board was my old buddy STEVE - a local tour guide from Caye Caulker that was a good friend of Tara, Megs and me back in 2004!! And today when we stopped in for lunch at Caye Caulker, we ran into my old buddy POPEYE!!! He is a very old RASTA mon who taught me all the Kriol I know! He is ALIVE, which means he's doing well. However, his dear wife Olive is not doing so well :(. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers, for all those who know her.

(This is Steve's sailboat, and he's there on the stern in da green shirt!)

Kk's highlight from the sailing experience was her first underwater encounter with a SHARK!! Rather than being scared, she chased that poor thing all around the ocean floor with her video camera :).
I wish you a peaceful holiday season . . . Channukah, Kriismos, Eid, Winter Solstice. Dat a life.

Luuv yu mo,
Hana T.

(Christmas Eve Sunset on the Catamaran)