Thursday, January 4, 2007

Hablas Espanol?? Aye Aye Aye!

(New Years!)

New years Eve was spent pretty low key. San Pedro was sooo packed with tourists that we couldn't even move in our local bar, Fidos...we spent the turn of the new year in beach chairs watching the stars...keeping away from the noisy scene. Agh...just as well...that is exactly how I wanted it! New years day was spent all day pool side soaking up the last rays!

(Hana and the rest of our buddies in San Pedro!)

(Last night in San Pedro...our new friends)

So we have left San Pedro, and are now in San Ignacio, Belize. San Pedro was amazing...and it was very very very difficult to leave. I can't explain it all due to the fact that I don't have free Internet anymore...but let's just say it was the time of my life! We caught the water taxi at 11:30 am...with a direct boat to Belize City. But, just 10 minutes left on the boat broke down...We were stranded in the open ocean. It only took them 10 minutes to fix it and we were back on our way. We walked our way to the bus station, and happened upon catching the bus just as we arrived...amazing how that happens. But again...just a few miles out of of the tires blew...must have not been that bad because we didn't stop or slow down. Crazy! We met Chris, from London, on the bus we he decided to join us at Clarissa Falls Resort just outside of San Ignacio for the night. It was beautiful there!

(Chris, our new friend from London...just as we got to the Clarissa Falls turn off road...)

The next day...we came into town and tried to figure things out. It took us awhile to decide if we were going to go this cave tour...or go to Rio Dulce in Guatemala...because we had to pick one or other other due to time. So...I finally made the executive decision to do the cave tour the next day and skip out on Rio Dulce. We booked the tour with Chris and made our way to some local Mayan Ruins in town. They were awesome! It felt like I was back in Europe looking at the old castle ruins! Crazy how we don't have anything that old in the states! The energy of these old places is so unique and all three of us ended up sitting in the quite for awhile...reflecting. After getting eatin' alive by bugs...we headed out.

(The new "trio" at some ruins in San Ignacio)

Oh...the ATM Cave tour was well worth it! Amazing and I don't quite have enough time to explain all that is to be explained. We crossed the river three times by foot...had to literally swim into the cave entrance...once inside, we had to swim, crawl, climb, and maneuver through all these intricate caverns, while hiking upstream. Something that would never be allowed in the states! We got to see many mayan pottery that was still located where it was found...and old bones! It was crazy!

(Mayan Skeleton)

(Just before enter the Cave!)

So...with running out of time...I will say that we are heading out of Belize tomorrow...and off to Tikal Guatemala for some more ruins...I guess the biggest around! Tomorrow night we are staying in Flores, Guatemala...eventually making our way to San Pedro, Guatemala to our Language School starting on the 8th. Goodbye beautiful Belize and welcome to Guatemala! I am ready for some cheaper costs, but I sure will miss Belize! will we survive the Spanish?