Monday, January 29, 2007

Sea Turtles ROCK!

Still in Roatan, still stormy, but had a few breaks in the weather, where yesterday and today I got to go diving! Yesterday, went down 66 ft for 51 minutes, and saw a SEA TURTLE! It was so exciting! Today went down 90 ft for 63 minutes, and saw huge crab, lobsters, and shrimp. Too bad I didn't have a net! I also found out about sea lice...and got eatin up pretty good on my legs. It stings! Also, the boat ride back we got to swim with dolphins! They were right up next to our boat so we jumped in! It was cool. This afternoon the weather is cloudy and raining hard!

Hana is in the process of getting her diving certificate and I am sooo excited for her! Now I will have a diving buddy in Idaho and we can go exploring the lake! I am planning on going on her last dive in a few I can see how she is under the water!

So, we are still planning on being on Roatan for at least a few more days, becuase Hana has 3 more dives to complete before she is done! Life is great on the island!



Taryn said...

Had you never seen a sea turtle before?

Pictures, girls! Post some more pictures, please! :)


Anonymous said...

it is amazing that hana can get certified for scuba diving in that short time span. she must be going to classes 24 hrs. a day. i hope it is a reputable school and instructor.

Anonymous said...

K 90 feet is deep especially if it's the second dive of the day. If you don't have a computer make sure you follow somewhat close to the dive tables, would be good practice for you to digest anyway. Did you have to do a decompression stop? When are you taking hana on a night dive, maybe that's a bit to soon.

Hana esta listo para nadar en el noche? El grande pescado esparando para ti abajo sus pies. Busca lo. El es poco hambre.

Nos vemos

Anonymous said...

Does your Dad look like the sea turtle...if so don't be too scared. They aren't the prettiest but usually pretty tame.