This weekend we spent it with my friend Lauren from camp. It was a bit of an adventure finding her, but with a bit of time with the spanish speaking pay phone, we got ahold of her. Here we are in Tegucialpa. The first night we went to this local bar called the Jaguar, where we all got our palms read by a local man. It was hilarious becuase Lauren and her friends had to translate Hana and I's reading. Amazingly, he was pretty accurate on my reading, knowing about two past relationships, the second one being more important than the first, a falling out with a good female friend, a past family tradegy...but he also read a bit into the future...and you will be happy to know mom, that I am going to have "un Hijo" (meaning one boy), as well as a good husband...but in my life, I will have mental problems. Hana's reading was a bit more fuzzy. It was said that she had 2.5 past relationships, her lifeline is long but very thin...also, that she will have one child as well. Lauren also said that her palm reading was pretty accurate.
(Hana getting her palm read)
It was nice to have a home to be in this weekend to chill. We didn't have to worry about getting around, because Lauren was an awesome tour guide with car and could translate for us. We met many of her friends down here and saw the local sites and towns surrouding the capital.
(Lauren, Hana and I at the flag memorial)
We have had a bit of plans changing. We are not able to do the rafting trip in Costa Rica (due to the company filling up their trip), so we don't have a time crunch anymore. Hana and I decided to head back out to the Caribbean sea! Roatan Island, a Bay Island off the north coast of Honduras. This island is the cheapest place in the world to go it will be more time of sun, snorkeling, diving, and hopefully meeting a friend of Hanas.
Kristen P.S. I fixed the pictures on the Model Gallo Post...Check them out!
KK,I'm glad to see in the future that you will have a nice husband but you should have more than one kid. As far as future mental problems, I wouldn't worry about that; just look at your Mother! And Hana, you need to come clean about your 2.5 relationships.
I finally got a map of Central America, so can now see where you have been and where you are going. That Isla de Roatan, looks like about 70-80km from the mainland. Looks like a boat trip for you again, probably from the town of Ceiba. Have fun and be careful!
Dad I'm surprised it took so long to get a map, at this pace of progress I recommend you start looking into a map of mexico ... I'm five months out... should be ample time.
I thought I should use a HTML tag as advised by the comment box
Be careful not to flood you camera. Maybe transfer the pics before you dive/snorkel
Yet another tag
what is this tag crap?
Whats wrong with having just one kid???
Thank goodness you will have a nice husband...someone to visit me in the nursing home since Brent already said he wouldn't.
Kyla, Kristen, Brent and Danielle -I will take all and any kids....but an even dozen combined from all of you would be my prefernce so work it out amongst youselves!!
I am not sure what a .5 relationship is...All of mine have felt like they were 10+ (except of course the one with your dad).
R U ready for the nursing home. How's your retirement plan, maybe try a couple more years huh, then we can talk this over.
K and Hana have you practiced your pickup lines in the case you find a honderian hunk. Try this out
Aye mijo teves bien
Hey Kristen :)
Sounds like an amazing adventure. Just wanted to say feliz cumplianos! Happy Birthday :)
Hope you continue to have a great time.
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