Saturday, January 6, 2007

Kristen's Entry, "When all Else Fails, Just Laugh"

I am amazed by our journey so far. I was spoiled by the cruise I went on before this trip, and the two wonderful weeks in San Pedro, Belize. We were taken into the community of San Pedro, and it was so comfortable. It was relaxing and down right just fun! We got to know people more than just their skin surface, and made some new quality friends. I couldn't have asked for a better time, and great way to kick off the journey.

After leaving the island, we were into the hustle and bustle of the world. We had to get from here to there in one day, and on our own. It is amazing how small you can feel. Thankfully we met another co-heart in crime to help us get to San Ignacio, and spend a couple days with us so we found another small community to help us transition. I have to admit, I was feeling a little down and out, and not really social. I was bummed about leaving San Pedro, but with seeing new sights and some crazy adventures...I got into this part of the trip...real traveling and exploring. The Mayan Ruins, Cave Spelunking, and crazy bus rides are a trip. Sometimes I could only sit and laugh at where we are and how we got there. Times would be so hectic, that is all we could do. For an example, when we were trying to exchange money and buy the bus ticket to Guatemala City, Hana and I were at such a lost for spanish words and translations that we just lost it in front of the poor sap. We made it though...

People just tend to come into our travels at just the right time. I keep thinking to is amazing how things just work out. Meeting Chris traveling to San Ignacio, helping us decide on what to do the next day. Elsa, for explaining that the taxi from San Ignacio to Tikal is the best option, (which saved us some huge hassle at the Guatemalan boarder). Adrian and his buddy on our all night bus ride from Flores to Guatemala City, who saved our butts at 6:00 in the dark scary morning...helping us catch a taxi to the next chicken bus to Antiqua and pointing us in the right direction in town...and our new friend Matt, who helps us navigate Antiqua and finding our Hostel. People just happen to come at the right time to guide us where we need to go.

So here we are in Antiqua, Guatemala. It is a beautiful city that reminds me a lot of European towns. There is the cobble roads and the cute little cafes all over the place. Not to mention, the three huge volcanos that surround the being active! I am a little sad that we don't get to explore this area some more...but we are in DIRE need to go to this language school in San Pedro, Guatemala. School starts on Monday, and we are taking tomorrow to travel from Antiqua to San Pedro, which includes more chicken buses and a water taxi. We have a full week in San Pedro, living with our own separate host families and our own private spanish on one help. I am excited and nervous for our next adventure. I can't wait to spend a full week in another place, to get to know the community, but very nervous to be apart from Hana and learning Spanish. As one friend told me...when you feel yourself becoming too comfortable...change something. So, I am changing and going out and immersing myself into the culture. Stepping outside of the box.

Hopefully the next time I will be full of spanish words!

Also, a welcome to all my new friends who are added to this e-mail and blog!

Hasta Luego,


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that after a full week of one-on-one Spanish teaching, you will finally be able to pronounce the word "Gracias" correctly. I'm glad I never had that problem!

Anonymous said...

You and Hana keep mentioning a "chicken bus." What is that?

mralan said...

Holy Cow! Kristen how do you get started on these things. You graduate college, get the coolest job in the world and now your on the coolest trip ever. I'm so jealous but I'll be checking back often.

Anonymous said...

arriving at night in a strage place without knowing where the hostel is.. sounds like someone once told me to avoid this at all costs.... must have been bad advice

Anonymous said...


Aprenda la idioma de español. Saben los palabras mas importante para sus viajares. Buscan y miran el gente y practicar todo el tiempo.

Buenos suerte