One day was spent scoping out the local shopping in town, in which we both didn't really find anything extravagant to buy (which was probably a good thing). Our nightly routine has consisted of going out late one night, and going to bed early the next night (an every other night type of thing). Seems to work out well. So for a blog post, there really isn't much to say as to what we have been up to. I did finish one of my two books that I brought. So, that was productive.
We have met several interesting people, and have shared many a stories. We met two brothers who are on their motorcycles from Mexico down to Brazil, and we have been talking about meeting up with them somewhere in Honduras. We also met two couples at the bar who are a BLAST to hang out with, all sorts of energy.
(Melody and Tara from SF)
Hana and I have been talking the last few days how at home we feel here in San Pedro. The other morning, I walked out of our condo and was bombarded with friendly hello greetings by Ed, our neighbor and many locals who have come to know us quite well. I love our walk on the beach from the Condo down to Fidos night club, which has become quite routine. We are well known throughout the island as the girls from Idaho. One night we walked into Fidos and the owner started asking us how the other night club was earlier that day. He found out from someone else that we were there. The island is small and we seem to be immersed right in it. It is fun to feel apart of the community. Today, I was even told that I am starting to look Belizian (due to the wonderful tan I have accumulated). We have even resorted to walking barefoot throughout the streets and into the restaurants and clubs. Oh the freedom of bare feet, although we did recently learn of some dog feces fungus you can get by walking bare feet, which has deferred me from doing this...but it was fun while it lasted.
This morning was the true local feel, when we biked in the down poor to a "hole in the wall" breakfast taco joint...3 for 1 belizian dollar. Oh, it was good! Also had some freshly squeezed OJ. We have even found makeshift pets, two dogs that we have named Pipito and Bomba.
(Our precious Pepito - Jim, is it alright if we bring him home?? :))
Pipito even comes by his name now, and they tend to find us and follow us all around town. A good distraction from missing Bentley. I imagine that if I stay any longer on this island, I won't want to leave. So, we have decided to head out on January 2nd. Headed to Flores, Guatemala to trek around the Mayan Ruins. New years eve will be spent at our Fido's night club for one last hurrah before we leave.
Keeping it real in San Pedro,
1 comment:
So now my daughter is known all around the island as a bar hop! Not what I taught her.
I still can't quite understand why I am in the snow and cold and she is in the sun at a wonderful resort - go figure.
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