After an hour and a half water taxi ride, we are now in da Cayes, which is truly a tropical paradise. Through a very random connection (the uncle of a friend's friend), Kristen and I are staying (for free) at a condo in the Belize Yacht Club out on San Pedro, the little town in the Cayes that Madonna once sang about ... "Last night I dreamt of San Pedro . . ." We have a gorgeous view of the Caribbean Sea from our balcony, a swim up bar/pool by the seaside, and we plan to stay here through New Years. There's live music every night and lots going on. The Belize part of this trip seems like it's going to be a "vacation" vacation. I had not anticipated our travels to be quite this posh, but we are kicking back and enjoying the moment as we're in it.
(sitting at pool side (15 minutes ago)
If any of you come to Belize, beware, because as Ms. Alice says, "When yu drink da wata, yu no can stay away from Belize!" Ain't that the truth!
Luuv yu moa (Love you more),
Hana T.
So, here I am on the first full day at San Pedro. This is the true vacation that I believe most of us were wishing the cruise was like. Caribbean sea...SUN...great atmosphere, great snorkeling, it is awesome. Last night, after the Internet cafe, we went to Fido's for a little night music. We sat at the bar and got bombarded with people egging us on to buy drinks. So, I finally gave in and bought one round for Hana and I. After we had those drinks in our hands...we got two more bought for us. Amazing. The music was great...a little jack johnson, and little bob marley...a little RHCP. We met the owner of the restaurant, the floor manager...and several other guests. Overall, a great night!
Today, I woke up at 8:00ish to find Hana in the living room. I asked her what she was doing up, and her response was "I woke up to mouse poop on my covers." We had a little bit of a mice problem when we first arrived...but it got cleaned up. We then ventured into town to buy eggs, bread, and fruit. We have now found our local fruit stand in which Hana has been practicing her Spanish...while I just observe. We have fresh Pineapple and grapes. Lovely! When we got back to the Condo, we ate our Cereal, Milk and Bananas we brought from the mainland (to save money). Now I was ready to get on that swimsuit and soak in the sun, which we did the whole morning. Hana and I were the only ones at poolside. We made friends with Robert, the bartender and Eric, the Maintenance guy. We also met David who is a captain of a Catamaran. David informed us of a need for a first mate and cook aboard his next 6 day sail around the CAYES. So, Hana and I have discussed it and we will offer our services aboard this grand Catamaran for this Sunday-Friday. We hear that we would get paid 800 dollars plus tips. The only draw back is the Captain seems to be a bit of a jerk. So, we haven't ran into David again...but when we do, we will offer to help if he can't find anyone else. Seems like a grand adventure to me, but very hard work!
After lunch, of PB&J, pineapple, grapes, fruit cake (made by Hana's host mom), and other various items, we made it back down to the pool for more sun and reading. So, there ya have it!
Tonight we are planning on cooking somesort of Tortilla, beans, cheese, tomato, onion concoction that Hana knows...I can't think of the name right now. Then off to Fido's for more live music. We have found free internet at the Condo we are staying at, so there will be a lot more posts...probably everyday with more pictures! Missing you all!
(I was planning on adding a lot more pictures, but my camera battery just ran out on me!)
1 comment:
Day one of sun and relaxation, tommarow will be day 2, the day after day 3, day 4...... I think you get the point,
buenos suerte con todos
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