Sunday, December 31, 2006

Do One Thing Every Day that Scares You

"Now here was I, new-
awakened, with my hand
stretching out and touching
the unknown, the real
unknown, the unknown

Though the past week has been filled with lots of rest and relaxation by the pool, I have experienced several liberating moments for my body and soul . . .

First, one evening as the sun was setting, we were laying out by the pool when we saw a torrential downpour moving towards us across the Caribbean sea. Within minutes, the rain hit us and it hit us HARD. My spirit longed to be out in the rain, but my mind kept rationalizing me to duck and cover. After a few minutes of internal bickering, I ran out on our roof and let the rain soak me!!! It was a wonderful feeling of liberation!

(one of Kristen's many talents)
Second, while sitting at the swim-up pool (after taking numerous pictures of Kristen jumping into the pool), I struck up theological conversation with a Belizean man named Bambo. Turns out he is Muslim! He was SHOCKED that a young American tourist, sitting in her suit and towel by the poolside while on vacation, was willing and open (and smart enough) to talk theology!! I was delighted and in my element! Turns out Bambo is also an excellent chef, and being that our Muslim sisters and brothers are celebrating Eid right now, he came over last night and cooked up an incredible Belizean feast. We invited a few friends to join us and thoroughly enjoyed feasting and new friendships. Bambo sends his regards to all my Muslim sisters and brothers back in da states! Asslamo alaykum.

Third, Kristen and I headed to south Fido's (restaurant, outdoor pool and bowling) for dinner with our energetic friends from San Francisco. The restaurant is a palapa hut on the seaside with no walls. In the midst of dinner, another torrential downpour hit us. As we all ducked for cover, Melody and Tara got the great idea that this was the PERFECT MOMENT for someone to run out into the rain and do a CANNONBALL into the swimming pool. My spirit leapt at the thought of it, and I was ready to go in clothes and all!! But my mind justified against it. All it took was for Melody and Tara to put money on the line and I peeled off my layers of clothes and cannonballed into the water! It was so LIBERATING!! For those who know me, I am in my ELEMENT when I am in the water. So once I was in the pool, I couldn't help but SWIM -- lap after lap of freestyle and butterfly. My spirit soared at the freedom of da wata. Water has been a significant symbol in my spiritual journey, in my understanding of God, and in my understanding of myself -- so to be in the water was very LIBERATING for body and soul!! And about the wager . . . the experience itself was rewarding enough for me, but in the end Melody and Tara very generously bought both Kk and I's dinner. Happiness IS.

Lastly, After dinner KK and I went to Fido's for live music like we usually do. But this night was different . . . I am someone who constantly feels the gravitational pull to DANCE . . . BUT, I always "need" at least one other person to join me and get my feet on the dance floor. Without all my dance buddies (Ian, Mary, Joey, Beline, Tuseef, Wes) I had not been dancing the past few nights. THIS PARTICULAR NIGHT, however, I found the freedom within my SELF to go out there, alone, and dance. WOO HOO!! I even went so far as to ask someone to dance with me. He knew how to swing dance very well, so I danced with him for the rest of the night!

I feel my spirit re-energizing as I'm learning to live out of my Self and not out of my ego (trying to please others). There is freedom in this transition and I'm loving it!

Hana T.

PS. Remember how I would say "DO ONE THING EVERY DAY THAT SCARES YOU??" Well yesterday KK and I did just that. We jumped off a palapa bar and got in close with a crocodile! The whole adventure began when we met two gals by the pool, Tracy and Amy. They wanted to rent a golf cart for the day and invited us along. It ended up being a WILD (and muddy) ADVENTURE!
(Wild golfcart ride)

We headed up towards the north end of the caye to the Palapa Bar, where Megs, Tara and I had jumped off back in fall 2004. I found where we had signed our names on the ceiling and decided that it was time to jump off the palapa bar once again. Kristen and Tracy joined me and were initiated in!
(We jumped off a palapa . . . and survived)

Then we headed to the south end of the caye, and happened upon the crocodile lagoon. It turns out that some of the local boys were just about ready to feed one of the local crocs (Flora), so we pulled in to watch. One of the other tourists there went across the street and bought a whole, frozen chicken. The local boys tied the chicken to a rope and threw it in the water for Flora. I was quite fearful of the crocodiles at first, fearing they would chase our golf cart for some gringo grub. But as I observed the local boys actually petting the 8 ft + croc, I gained some confidence and got in close with them. ay yi yi!!
(Flora the crocodile)

Well friends, thanks for following up on our travels! I'll be sending you peace and adventure as we bring in the New Year!

Luuv yu moa.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Freedom of Barefeet

Hmmm, where to start. Since Christmas, life has been pretty relaxed, mostly spent sitting pool-side and reading books in the sun.
(Our BYC buddy and bartender, Roberto)
One day was spent scoping out the local shopping in town, in which we both didn't really find anything extravagant to buy (which was probably a good thing). Our nightly routine has consisted of going out late one night, and going to bed early the next night (an every other night type of thing). Seems to work out well. So for a blog post, there really isn't much to say as to what we have been up to. I did finish one of my two books that I brought. So, that was productive.

We have met several interesting people, and have shared many a stories. We met two brothers who are on their motorcycles from Mexico down to Brazil, and we have been talking about meeting up with them somewhere in Honduras. We also met two couples at the bar who are a BLAST to hang out with, all sorts of energy.

(Melody and Tara from SF)
Hana and I have been talking the last few days how at home we feel here in San Pedro. The other morning, I walked out of our condo and was bombarded with friendly hello greetings by Ed, our neighbor and many locals who have come to know us quite well. I love our walk on the beach from the Condo down to Fidos night club, which has become quite routine. We are well known throughout the island as the girls from Idaho. One night we walked into Fidos and the owner started asking us how the other night club was earlier that day. He found out from someone else that we were there. The island is small and we seem to be immersed right in it. It is fun to feel apart of the community. Today, I was even told that I am starting to look Belizian (due to the wonderful tan I have accumulated). We have even resorted to walking barefoot throughout the streets and into the restaurants and clubs. Oh the freedom of bare feet, although we did recently learn of some dog feces fungus you can get by walking bare feet, which has deferred me from doing this...but it was fun while it lasted.

This morning was the true local feel, when we biked in the down poor to a "hole in the wall" breakfast taco joint...3 for 1 belizian dollar. Oh, it was good! Also had some freshly squeezed OJ. We have even found makeshift pets, two dogs that we have named Pipito and Bomba.

(Our precious Pepito - Jim, is it alright if we bring him home?? :))
Pipito even comes by his name now, and they tend to find us and follow us all around town. A good distraction from missing Bentley. I imagine that if I stay any longer on this island, I won't want to leave. So, we have decided to head out on January 2nd. Headed to Flores, Guatemala to trek around the Mayan Ruins. New years eve will be spent at our Fido's night club for one last hurrah before we leave.

Keeping it real in San Pedro,

Monday, December 25, 2006

Kriismos een da Karibeean.

Happy Holidays everyone!! Santa found us all the way out here in da Caribbean, and you know what he brought us?? He brought us the gift of solid poop. (And instead of cookies, we left him the pineapple). :)

(Hana having the Christmas spirit!)

(Kristen having the Christmas spirit aboard the Catamaran!)
This Mawnin' Kk made us a Christmas breakfast FEAST of eggs and potatoes.

(Christmas Breakfast!)

KK and I kicked off the holiday season with a couple of sailing adventures. KK met an older couple staying in the same resort as us, John and Carol, and they have a 44 ft. Catamaran that they like to take adventuring from Caye to Caye. We joined them the past two days (Christmas Eve DAY!) as their first mates. We toured around to the reef for snorkeling, diving, lobster hunting and spearfishing. In return, KK and I paid our dues in labor . . . we were hoisting and dropping the sails, dropping the anchor and pulling it back up, cranking this way and that to lift the dingy (skiff-lil' boat used to get to the catamaran) out of the water.
(Hana with scary face)

(Kristen diving...with Steve's sailboat in the background)

(Kristen spearfishing...didn't catch anything though)

(Self picture of us snorkeling)

(Hana holding up a Conch Shell)

(The Awesome Spotted Eagle Ray we saw when we first jumped in to Snorkel)

I had a delightful SURPRISE yesterday as we were snorkeling by the reef. A big 'ol black sailboat pulled up beside us and there on board was my old buddy STEVE - a local tour guide from Caye Caulker that was a good friend of Tara, Megs and me back in 2004!! And today when we stopped in for lunch at Caye Caulker, we ran into my old buddy POPEYE!!! He is a very old RASTA mon who taught me all the Kriol I know! He is ALIVE, which means he's doing well. However, his dear wife Olive is not doing so well :(. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers, for all those who know her.

(This is Steve's sailboat, and he's there on the stern in da green shirt!)

Kk's highlight from the sailing experience was her first underwater encounter with a SHARK!! Rather than being scared, she chased that poor thing all around the ocean floor with her video camera :).
I wish you a peaceful holiday season . . . Channukah, Kriismos, Eid, Winter Solstice. Dat a life.

Luuv yu mo,
Hana T.

(Christmas Eve Sunset on the Catamaran)

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sickness and Sailing

(Home sweet home, The Robinsons decked out with Christmas decorations (this was in Belize City))

Yesterday was interesting. I woke up to find Hana on the couch...when I asked what was up...found out she was sick...some sort of something that made us both poop liquid. Must've been the pineapple we got at the fruit stand. Now whenever Hana thinks about pineapple, she wants to puke. Her highlight of being sick was the fact she got to see the sunrise.
(Hana's picture of the Sunrise)

I decided to sit by the poolside again and soak up more of the rays. I checked in with Hana every couple of hours to see if she was still alive and tell her to drink water and try to eat. It just so happens that while I was sitting poolside meeting and greeting with people, I got asked to join Ed (our buddy who lives below us in the condo) and John (another condo owner who also happens to have a Catamaran), to go fishing on the boat. Hana was still under the I decided to still head out. We went out past the reef and trolled for fish. Got a couple of bites, but caught nothing. Then, once we got back to the dock, John took me out snorkeling at the reef and we saw a sunken' ship! Very cool!

(Kristen on the 44 ft. Catamaran)

So, since John's girlfriend isn't quite the water person, and she has a broken leg...he offered to take Hana and I out on his boat today, to go diving and snorkeling for LOBSTERS! We are up and ready to head out on this journey. (Brent, I am going diving!!! I can't wait!)

Until later...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Day of Sun and Relaxation!

I am in AWE of the abundant GENEROSITY that has been bestowed on us thus far. From my host family's home cookin' to a couple weeks free stay at a condo in the Cayes (keys), to a couple of marriage proposals and free drinks already, generosity abounds! We arrived in Belize City on the 18th and there to pick us up from the airport were Alice and Beto! (my host parents from when I lived in Belize two years ago). They are a delightful Kriol couple that we stayed with for the first two nights - nothing in Belize can beat Ms. ALice's HOME COOKING and Beto's sense of HUMOR!! It is an incredible privilege to be able to share these sacred people and places with KK, and for them to meet her. Gloria a Dios! (Glory to God)
(Hana and I in the water taxi)

After an hour and a half water taxi ride, we are now in da Cayes, which is truly a tropical paradise. Through a very random connection (the uncle of a friend's friend), Kristen and I are staying (for free) at a condo in the Belize Yacht Club out on San Pedro, the little town in the Cayes that Madonna once sang about ... "Last night I dreamt of San Pedro . . ." We have a gorgeous view of the Caribbean Sea from our balcony, a swim up bar/pool by the seaside, and we plan to stay here through New Years. There's live music every night and lots going on. The Belize part of this trip seems like it's going to be a "vacation" vacation. I had not anticipated our travels to be quite this posh, but we are kicking back and enjoying the moment as we're in it.
(Hana at the pool bar today)

(sitting at pool side (15 minutes ago)

If any of you come to Belize, beware, because as Ms. Alice says, "When yu drink da wata, yu no can stay away from Belize!" Ain't that the truth!

Luuv yu moa (Love you more),

Hana T.

(Kristen underwater at the pool today!)

(Dinner last night...Mayan was soo good)

So, here I am on the first full day at San Pedro. This is the true vacation that I believe most of us were wishing the cruise was like. Caribbean sea...SUN...great atmosphere, great snorkeling, it is awesome. Last night, after the Internet cafe, we went to Fido's for a little night music. We sat at the bar and got bombarded with people egging us on to buy drinks. So, I finally gave in and bought one round for Hana and I. After we had those drinks in our hands...we got two more bought for us. Amazing. The music was great...a little jack johnson, and little bob marley...a little RHCP. We met the owner of the restaurant, the floor manager...and several other guests. Overall, a great night!

Today, I woke up at 8:00ish to find Hana in the living room. I asked her what she was doing up, and her response was "I woke up to mouse poop on my covers." We had a little bit of a mice problem when we first arrived...but it got cleaned up. We then ventured into town to buy eggs, bread, and fruit. We have now found our local fruit stand in which Hana has been practicing her Spanish...while I just observe. We have fresh Pineapple and grapes. Lovely! When we got back to the Condo, we ate our Cereal, Milk and Bananas we brought from the mainland (to save money). Now I was ready to get on that swimsuit and soak in the sun, which we did the whole morning. Hana and I were the only ones at poolside. We made friends with Robert, the bartender and Eric, the Maintenance guy. We also met David who is a captain of a Catamaran. David informed us of a need for a first mate and cook aboard his next 6 day sail around the CAYES. So, Hana and I have discussed it and we will offer our services aboard this grand Catamaran for this Sunday-Friday. We hear that we would get paid 800 dollars plus tips. The only draw back is the Captain seems to be a bit of a jerk. So, we haven't ran into David again...but when we do, we will offer to help if he can't find anyone else. Seems like a grand adventure to me, but very hard work!

After lunch, of PB&J, pineapple, grapes, fruit cake (made by Hana's host mom), and other various items, we made it back down to the pool for more sun and reading. So, there ya have it!

Tonight we are planning on cooking somesort of Tortilla, beans, cheese, tomato, onion concoction that Hana knows...I can't think of the name right now. Then off to Fido's for more live music. We have found free internet at the Condo we are staying at, so there will be a lot more posts...probably everyday with more pictures! Missing you all!

(I was planning on adding a lot more pictures, but my camera battery just ran out on me!)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Made it to Belize!!

(me at the water taxi)
So, here we are in San Pedro, a Caye (key) off of Belize. You are all happy to know that we made it to Belize just fine. I met Hana at the dallas airport, and found her half asleep due to the red-eye flight she caught that night. But, we made it onto the plane and into Belize. Hana's old host family picked us up from the airport and took us to their house. We ate a wonderful meal (Stew Chicken, rice and beans, potatoe salad, and Rice pudding for we even had fresh squeezed oj!) That night we chatted with the host family, and went to bed early. The next day, we slept in until 9 am! We then walked the 1.5 miles into Belize city where we caught a local bus to the Belize Zoo. There, we met two Australian Med students who followed us through the zoo. It was all good fun until we realized that we were getting eaten alive by some blood sucking bugs! AFter the zoo, we made it back to the city and toured around a bit. Made it back to the host familie's house and ate some snapper, beans and rice, and the best of all, Papaya Ice cream! Sooo good! (hana playing with the animals at the zoo)
(me holding the boa at the zoo!)
(Tucan at the zoo)

Today, we got up a little earlier, caught a water taxi to San Pedro and found our way to the FREE condo, right on the water! Life here is so exciting. I can't believe we are living in paradise, for free! We have airconditioning, TV, kitchen, the works! We met the man who lives downstairs to our place, named ED and he helped us out with the basic needs. He will help us out with anything that we might need. (view from our condo balcony)

That's it for now! Have to get off this thing before I am being charged for the minutes...i get the first 15 minutes free if I buy a I am trying the Belikin Beer (Belizian made!) Pretty good. Now we are going to try to find dinner! Catch up with you all later!

Well, now that I am uploading pictures and it is taking forever...might as well tell you the plans for the next 12 days. We are planning on staying in this sweet condo until after the new years. We have free snorkeling gear to use. In this internet Cafe, we met some fellow divers and are trying to plan a dive for tomorrow at 2. Looks like if I go with them it will be 30 I am going to look around. Lots of divers here!


Sunday, December 17, 2006

From One Extreme to Another...

Today I am sitting in the Super 8 Motel in Dallas, Texas. I have a layover here for a day until I fly out to Belize tomorrow at noon (where I will be meeting Hana). Brent left early this morning to fly back to California, leaving me to discover Texas. So far...I have slept in, watched a movie on TV (while soaking in the hot tub in my room)! Such luxury, there are even jets! Now, I am about ready to venture outside to scope out some grub. Man I am hungry...and yes brent, I haven't found my omelet yet...might just have to deal with the leftover pizza from last night. I did happen to notice a gas station fairly close by where I will be making the trek to find some food. I have a refridge and microwave in the hotel as well. Dinner and Breakfast tomorrow morning is on the agenda for today.
(Brent and I at South Beach)

Well, I just got back from a 7 day cruise into the Caribbean with 40 plus people. The cruise was unique. First off, Brent and I had a two nights in Miami to kill before the cruise. We stayed in a somewhat dodgy hotel smack in downtown (where there is absolutely nothing to do!). The first full day we had, we tried to make the best of the rainy weather. We tried to scope out breakfast, in which I was hoping for an omelet, but had to suffice with Starbucks yogurt (something that my brother pointed out will happen quite often when I travel through Central America...might not always get that omelet I am looking for). Since it was cloudy, and we were hoping for sun and relaxation at South Beach of Miami, we decided to go there anyways. South beach would've been fun, if it wasn't STORMING! But, we got to see the ocean and stuck our feet in anyways. We strolled around the area for 7 plus miles until we decided on a movie. Apocalypto, Mel Gibson's new flick. It was good and killed some time that we had. The rest of the evening was spent in the Hyatt hotel (right next to our dodgy one, to await Taryn, Kyla and Rob, who we were sharing a hotel with). The Hyatt was much nicer.
(Dancing it up on the first night).
(First Formal Night)
(Cruise Ship)
The cruise was fun, but different. Much different than what I remember from my previous cruise when I was 16. I shared a room with Brent and Taryn, and we had a blast with multiple late night conversations and gossiping. Most of the trip was consumed with worrying about the Norwalk Virus that had swept the ship, causing 30 out of the 40 we traveled with to go down. Luckily, the 9 of us at our dinner table somehow dodged it. The first 4 days was rainy and cold (well, colder than you would think for the Caribbean). We rented 4X4 Jeeps in Cozumel Mexico, snorkeled, off-roaded, shopped, and ate taquitos in the rain. On Grand Cayman(our first glimpse of the sun) we had a private Catamaran, where we went to stingray city to swim with the stingrays. Highlight of that trip was watching Brent try to catch the rays...he finally did. In Jamaica, we went on a canopy tour, zip-lining through the jungle. We spent the rest of the day in our taxi cruising around the island.
(Taryn and I by the jeep!)
(Snorkeling in Cozumel).
(Holding a stingray in Grand Cayman)
(Matt and I in Cayman)

(Taryn and I by the Cat.)


I was a bit bummed about the weather, bummed about the virus (I lost my appetite on the second formal night and wasn't able to eat my baked Alaska! agh), and bummed that I didn't spend enough time with the people that I wanted to. But, it was a great experience. I got to really bond with Taryn and Brent, and we shared many a laugh at the dinner table and saw some great sights on the islands. Something that I will never forget or regret!

Now, I am off to Belize and down through Central America. Going from one extreme to another...from luxury to third world. I am excited to be on my own, see new places and meet amazing new people. Hopefully I will help to better define myself and maybe figure out what I will be doing when I get back.

This is only the beginning of one GREAT ADVENTURE!

Until Next time in Belize...